About Us

The Vietnamese American Community Center of the East Bay (VACCEB) is located in the heart of the Vietnamese community in Oakland, CA. Our Center’s core competency includes providing for our elders and caring for their well being. While we are focused primarily on our seniors, we also provide for their extended families as resources allow. A nutritious meal three times a week, educational and recreational classes, and preventative care and health wellness are among the many programs that we offered. Like many non-profits, we are supported by our many public and private grantors, fund-raising activities, and generous donors, patrons, and benefactors. By purchasing our merchandise, all sales go back to support VACCEB and its ability to serve the East Bay. We truly appreciate and thank you for your support. 

Our Mission
Since 1995, VACCEB has been providing quality service to low-income, refugees, and immigrants. We offer complete ‘wrap around, client centrist’ services to our clients in a culturally relevant and appropriate way. These services include health screenings, food and meal programs, immigration services, education services, job preparation, pubic safety, and senior enrichment programs.

To donate or learn more, please visit us at www.TheVCC.org